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House: Hufflepuff

Wand: Larch, Pheonix feather,

12 1/4 in, Slightly Springy


Hiya Readers! 


I am Bribear, a wandering witch in muggle clothing.


I am a student at Truman State University studying Communication Disorders. I am, hopefully, on my way to fufilling my dream of becoming the SLP with the most Harry Potter knowlege in the tri-state area!


As you have guessed, I am an avid Harry Potter lover. From the books, to the movies, the Wizarding World has tickled my fancy. There are some days where I think it's a bit unhealthy, but then I figured if I made blog, it goes from an obsession to an expertise! 


I can attribute the idea of creating the blog to two people: my sisters. As my best friends, my siblings have a lot of influence over my life, and this is no different. In March 2013, my oldest sister Cabbage started an Everything Disney blog! In the past year, it has been an incredible sucess! Not long after, my other sister Rose gave me the suggestion of creating a Harry Potter tumblr, or maybe my own Harry Potter related blog, my HP obsession is no secret in my family. And, well, 9 months later, here I am, finally following her suggestion. 


So welcome, my friends, to A Witch in Muggle Clothing. A blog dedicated to sharing my knowlege and love of the Wizarding World!  






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